U.S. Generals Believe Saudi Arabia's Military Intervention In Yemen Is A 'Bad Idea' That Is Doomed To Fail

Friday, 17 April 2015

Al Jazeera: US generals: Saudi intervention in Yemen ‘a bad idea’

Analysis: Some top officers question Washington’s support for Riyadh-led intervention, which they say is doomed.

John McCain, the Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, has accused the Obama administration of going soft on Iran’s regional ambitions in pursuit of what he sees as a bad nuclear agreement with Tehran, and has praised “our Arab partners” for intervening in Yemen. “The prospect of radical groups like Iranian-backed Houthi militants” was “more than [U.S. Arab allies] could withstand,” he said. But a large contingent of senior U.S. military officers believes the Saudi-led military operation will fail, and possibly turn into a quagmire.

Update: Saudi-led Yemen air war's high civilian toll unsettles U.S. officials -- L.A. Times

WNU Editor: After three weeks of bombings I have yet to understand what is the end game in this conflict. I do not understand Saudi Arabia's military strategy .... if they have one .... and I do not even see an exit strategy. On the political front I am seeing no moves to find a political solution nor any wish to get into talks with the Houthi leadership. My guess is that they are doing everything on the fly .... and they will sort it out in the weeks and months to come .... but for the moment .... the current state of affairs is apparently "playing well" in Saudi Arabia .... In tightly ruled Saudi, Yemen war is 'something good' (AFP).

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