Return Of A New Cold War?

Friday, 10 April 2015

More than 500 Russian military personnel and 30 fighter jets will participate in training exercises through April 11. Reuters

Value Walk: Cold War Tensions Revived By Russia, U.S. War Games

The danger of escalation is very real as both the U.S. and Russia engage in brinkmanship reminiscent of the Cold War.

U.S. forces are currently undertaking drills in Europe, from Estonia in the north to Bulgaria in the south. The exercises take in land, sea and air forces, and involve greater numbers of personnel than last year’s edition. The move is designed to reassure NATO members that the U.S. will not abandon them and allow the dark days of the Cold War to return, according to the Associated Press.

Update: US, Russian war games rekindle Cold War tensions (AP)

WNU Editor: We are still far away from what the Cold War was really like .... but with both sides preparing for conflict .... NATO Conducts First Test Of "Russia Rapid Response Force" (Zero Hedge) and Russian Military Drills Continue With Su-35 Flight Training, Heavy Weapons Exercises (IBTimes) .... the trends are not good.

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