World News Briefs -- March 23, 2015 (Evening Edition)

Monday 23 March 2015

Reuters: Tsipras, Merkel display goodwill, little sign of debt progress

(Reuters) - Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and German Chancellor Angela Merkel put on a public display of mutual goodwill on Monday, appealing to Greeks and Germans to set aside recrimination and national stereotypes and work for a better European future.

Yet despite warm words on the new leftist premier's first official visit to Berlin, it was unclear if they had narrowed differences on economic reforms Greece must implement to win urgently needed fresh cash from its creditors. The two leaders were due to discuss the reforms in greater depth over dinner.


Yemen FM: President Hadi calls for Gulf military, UN action . Yemen’s embattled President Hadi to call for Arab League’s help in Egypt .

Yemen could become 'protracted conflict' envoy warns . Yemen foes square off as fears of war, Saudi-Iran rivalry grow .

Yemen foes square off as fears of war, Saudi-Iran rivalry grow .

Saudi Arabia invites Iraq's Abadi to visit in big sign of thaw .

Haider al-Abadi, Iraqi prime minister, to visit Washington .

U.S., allies conduct 14 air strikes against Islamic State: task force .

Iran accused of sending 30,000 troops to fight in Iraq .

Isis: Syrian army beheads two jihadists and post pictures on WhatsApp reports SOHR .

Syrian insurgents ‘mimicking ruthlessness’ of army: rights group .

Islamic State moves west to attack Syrian army in Homs - monitor .

Syria Kurds yet to be fully embraced by US in anti-IS fight.

Lebanon army struggles to protect border from ISIL .

Israel accused at UN over Gaza war casualties.

Netanyahu apologizes to Israeli Arabs for Election Day comments . Netanyahu tells Israel's Arabs he 'regrets' election-day rallying call.

U.N. watchdog says progress limited on Iran nuclear inquiry .


Despite peace talks, Myanmar expands Kachin offensive .

Singapore's founding father Lee Kuan Yew dies at 91 . Singapore mourns founding father Lee Kuan Yew .

Afghan president thanks US troops, taxpayers .

Pakistan Army to purge cities of terrorism at all costs .

India, China to hold first talks on border row since Modi victory .

Despite China's warnings, cross-border strikes from Myanmar continue .

Indonesia leader rejects China's South China Sea claims .

Afghan protesters demand justice for woman killed by mob .

Obama to host Japan's Abe for state visit in April: White House .


Election uncertainty, oil price kill construction in Nigeria .

Obama calls for peaceful Nigeria poll .

Libya could agree on unity government leaders this week: U.N. envoy .

Libyan air strike kills eight civilians near Tripoli: U.S. ambassador .

Six Tunisia police chiefs dismissed over museum attack .

Egypt forced to negotiate on Nile dam .

Corruption blights Nigerian army's fight against rebels .

Senegal jails ex-president's son for 6 years for corruption .

Uganda shuts down 5 madrassas over training extremists .

Guinea continues Ebola fight, despite challenges .

Doctors Without Borders slams WHO's slow reaction to Ebola .


Greek, German leaders seek to reboot relationship . Greek and German leaders meet amid cash shortage fears .

‘The game is up’ for extremists in Britain, says Home Secretary . We'll shut down extremist mosques supporting terror, warns Theresa May in fresh drive to defeat extremism .

Clashes rage in Ukrainian town, making mockery of truce .

Russia accuses Ukraine of truce breaches as clashes persist .

Kremlin urges France, Germany to push Ukraine more on peace deal .

NATO leaders balk at Russia's threat to nuke warships .

Ukraine unable to repay Russian debt - IMF. Russia expects Ukraine to repay $3 billion Eurobond on time: Finance Ministry .

Ukraine to stop buying Russian gas from April 1: energy minister .

Brennan says he doesn't believe Putin is happy over Ukrainian conflict .

‘Tanks? No thanks!’: Czechs unhappy about US military convoy crossing country .

Moldova to reconsider its security strategy due to new challenges .

Spain Socialists win Andalusia vote amid Podemos push .


Poll shows most Brazilians favor Rousseff's impeachment .

White House chief of staff: 50 years of Israeli occupation must end .

367 House members send letter on Iranian nuclear negotiations to Obama .

Obama expected Tuesday to announce change in US troop withdrawal .

On 5th anniversary of U.S. health care law, no end to debate .

Venezuela gathers million signatures against Obama declaring Caracas threat .

Brazil's biggest banks caught in Petrobras dragnet .

Argentine archaeologists probe 'Nazi hide-out' for clues .


How are IS and al-Qaeda different?

Lawmaker: ISIS kill list part of 'unconventional' war strategy .

Trial of Boston bomb suspect focuses on texts, laptop files .


For business, more women in charge means bigger profits .

Italian tire maker Pirelli to be bought by ChemChina .

Switzerland, Luxembourg apply for China-led infrastructure bank .

Oil slips close to $55 as Saudi output rises to near record .

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