Robin Emmott and Anna Yukhananov, Reuters: Insight: West's offer to rebuild Ukraine faces reality check
(Reuters) - Western powers are preparing what they say may be their most potent weapon against Moscow's interference in Ukraine - a multi billion dollar aid package to rebuild a near-bankrupt state and realize the European dream cherished by many Ukrainians.
There is just one problem: foreign governments and international financing institutions are not willing to pour money into a dysfunctional state. Only this week the businessman brought in by the new authorities to clean up the tax service was himself suspended pending a corruption inquiry.
WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction .... much of this aid is going to be wasted, and at the end of the day Ukraine will just have a bigger debt to pay-off. Corruption and a bloated system dependent on government subsidies and assistance is one of Ukraine's biggest problems .... and I see no movement by anyone in Kiev to address these issues. This is what happens when you have a dysfunctional state mired in a war .... and Western countries should be very leery when they give money .... because I sincerely doubt that it will be paid back.
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