Is The A-10 Responsible For Numerous 'Friendly' Fire Deaths?

Monday 9 February 2015

Air Force crews rearm, refuel and ready A-10 Warthogs.(Photo: Alan Lessig, Air Force Times)

USA Today: A-10 warplane tops list for friendly fire deaths

WASHINGTON — The Air Force A-10 attack jet has killed more U.S. troops in friendly fire incidents and more Afghan civilians than any other aircraft flown by the U.S. military, according to data declassified and obtained by USA TODAY.

WNU Editor: By its nature the A-10 provides close support for ground troops .... so yes .... I am not surprised that U.S. soldiers and civilians have been accidentally killed by this plane. But aside from using helicopters .... there are limits to what planes can be used and the A-10 has served a vital and critical role in many of the battles in Afghanistan .... and not surprisingly are providing a critical role in the current war against the Islamic State.

As to the question on why is this story being released now .... I suspect that many in the Pentagon do want this plane gone so that more funds can be directed at procuring more F-35s. There is also the question of Maj. Gen. James Post .... who because of his A-10 treason comments has changed the focus and discussion on the future of the A-10 .... with the result that critics of the A-10 are now trying to refocus the debate.

Hat Tip to Aizino Smith for this lead.

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