Editor's Note

Sunday 25 January 2015

When I woke-up this morning I said to myself .... what a great day to sit back and relax. And my definition for relaxing is simple .... sit in front of my computers and spend my time reading news and blog reports .... studying future economic/political/national security trends .... analyzing what the experts and pundits are saying when it comes to geopolitical trends .... talk with the people that I know in Russia, Ukraine, China, the U.S. on what is happening there .... etc. etc. etc. And then share my discoveries with the readers of this blog .... who in turn give me their input and opinions .... which I am always appreciative of and thankful for.

Unfortunately .... having a girl friend changes all of that. We are now off to do some skiing today .... and knowing my luck I am not going to be in any shape when I get back home.

Sighhh .... my spirit is young .... my body is old.


Regular blogging will return tomorrow morning.

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