Did President Obama Free A Nuclear Terrorist From Guantanamo?

Thursday 1 January 2015

Photo: Former Gitmo detainee Mohammad Zahir

Frontpage Magazine: Obama Frees a Nuclear Terrorist

WNU Editor: The 4 Guantanamo detainees who were recently released to Afghanistan were let go on the recommendation of the Guantanamo Review Task Force who deemed them .... "cleared for release." The implication is that they had been "cleared" of any wrongdoing and their release is risk-free.

Apparently that is not true.

The Long War Journal did some digging and found a very different story .... 4 Gitmo detainees transferred to Afghanistan are veteran insurgents, files allege .

But what is even more disturbing is that one of these detainees .... as the above Frontpage post discovered .... have a nuclear connection. Gateway Pundit has more on this "former" detainee .... What Could Go Wrong? Obama Frees Nuclear Terrorist from Gitmo (Gateway Pundit)

At the moment .... aside from the Long War Journal .... only a few conservative/right wing sites are covering this story. Nothing from the mainstream media .... and definitely no comment from the White House. A part of me is hoping that this story is not accurate .... that the nuclear materials in his possession when he was captured did not (and does not) warrant any concern ..... but .... in the past the White House was always fast in denying or downplaying reports regardless of their source or background .... but on this one they are being "strangely quiet". It must be the holidays and not having enough staff .... right?

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