Problems Continue With The F-35. Program May Be Delayed For Four More Years!

Wednesday 31 December 2014


Daily Beast (Dave Majumdar): New U.S. Stealth Jet Can’t Fire Its Gun Until 2019

WNU Editor: Apparently the software is 4 years behind!?!?!?! And while the F-35 will still be armed with missiles, its 25 mm cannon will not be functional?!?!?! So much for the advocates of this program who have been stating repeatedly that the F-35 is the plane of the future for protecting ground troops .... not the A-10 . More at this link .... The Air Force's Rationale For Retiring The A-10 Warthog Is Bullshit (Fox Trot Alpha).

More News On The F-35 Program's Problem In Not being Able To Fire It's Gun

The F-35 Won't Be Able To Fire A Shot Until 2019 Due To The Latest Technical Problem -- Business Insider/The Telegraph

F-35 Could Be Delayed Another Four Years, But Pentagon And Lockheed Martin Deny Delays -- IBTimes

The Trillion Dollar F-35 Won't Even Be Able to Shoot Its Gun Until 2019 -- Gizmodo

F-35's Latest Glitch: Fighter Jet Can't Fire A Gun --

Update: I have posted the bottom video before .... Pierre Sprey is the co-designer of the F-16 and he helped to develop the A-10 .... he has also been a consistent critic of the F-35 program ....

.... From Gizmodo : According to the Pierre Sprey, co-designer of the F-16, the F35 is a turkey. Inherently, a terrible airplane. An airplane built for a dumb idea. A kludge that will fail time and time again. Just impossibly hopeless. And judging from the bajillion times the F-35 fleet has been grounded, well, he's probably not wrong. It's a trillion dollar failure. Watch Sprey eviscerate the F-35.

Yup .... this video deserves to be watched over and over again. His comments on the inability of the F-35 to provide close troop support is spot on (these comments are at 4:15 on the video).

Update: Pierre Sprey has updated his criticism of the F-35 program .... ‘Every F-35 a country buys from Lockheed Martin damages its defense’ -- RT.

Sighhhhh .... even Russian media senses that this U.S. Air Force program is a "turkey".

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