China: North Korea's Internet And Its 3G Mobile Network Has Stopped Working (Again)

Saturday, 27 December 2014

North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un inspects production of new touch-screen mobile phones. CNN

North Korean Internet, 3G Mobile Network 'Paralyzed:' Xinhua -- Reuters

(Reuters) - North Korea's Internet and 3G mobile networks were paralyzed again on Saturday evening, China's official Xinhua news agency reported on Saturday, with the North Korean government blaming the United States for systemic instability in the country's networks.

Internet connectivity had not returned to normal as of 21:30 local time, Xinhua reported, citing reporters in the country that had confirmed the situation over fixed telephone systems.

The report comes after the North Korean government called Obama a "monkey" and blamed the United States for enduring instability in the country's internet infrastructure, after the U.S. blamed North Korea for hacking attack on Sony Studios.

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My Comment: The last part of this Reuter's report caught my eye ....

.... Most of North Korea's heavily restricted internet traffic passes through Chinese routers on its way to the outside world, and some have suggested it is China - increasingly annoyed by recalcitrant North Korean behavior despite the two country's long-standing alliance - that is behind North Korea's internet troubles.

I have no proof, but my gut is telling me that there is probably a lot of truth to this.

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