Russia To Halt Nuclear Cooperation With US Next Year

Friday, 14 November 2014

A Russian serviceman passes by the opened SS-18 intercontinental ballistic multiple-warhead Satan missile launching silo in the town of Kartaly in the Russia's Chelyabinsky region, August 16, 2002. Credit: Reuters/Stringer

Russia To Halt Nuclear Cooperation With US Next Year: Report -- New York Times

WASHINGTON — Russia has informed the United States that it is planning to reduce its participation next year in a joint effort to secure nuclear materials on Russian territory, a move that could seriously undermine more than two decades of cooperation aimed at ensuring that nuclear bomb components do not fall into the hands of terrorists or a rogue state.

Sergey V. Kirienko, the head of Russia’s state nuclear company, has told senior Obama administration officials that no new projects in Russia are “envisioned” in 2015, according to American officials.

The officials still hope to persuade the Russians to continue work next year on some current projects, though Russian officials have yet to agree.

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My Comment: This New York Times Post forgets to mention that it was the U.S. who started to curtail nuclear projects with Russia earlier this year .... US Energy Department Halts Cooperation with Russia on Peaceful Nuclear Projects (Sputnik). This is the fallout of Ukraine and the heightening of tensions between Russia and the West.

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