NATO Wants New Bases, Troops, And Equipment In Eastern Europe To Blunt Russia’s Aggression

Wednesday 3 September 2014

NATO Plans New Military Outposts to Stop Putin—Just Don't Call Them Bases -- Eli Lake, Daily Beast

To blunt Russia’s aggression, the Western alliance is considering new bases, new troops, and the economic equivalent of a nuclear bomb. Will the Obama administration go along?

With Russian forces entering into Ukraine, NATO is putting together a plan to place the alliance’s troops in bases behind the former Iron Curtain. One U.S. official who was not authorized to speak to the press said the presence of U.S. troops inside these bases in Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia would act as a “tripwire for Russia. If Putin considers any military action in these countries, they will know that they will be involving U.S. forces too.”

Officially, however, the Obama administration has gone to great pains to explain that the proposed outposts in these Eastern European countries are not bases, per se. “I do not believe we're talking permanent basing,” said Navy Captain Gregory Hicks, who is the spokesman for U.S. European Command. “I believe NATO will be discussing basing for the duration of a level of activity, whether it be an air detachment, ground presence, or port. The discussion is for a persistent rotational presence, it’s not about establishing bases. The concept is to use existing infrastructure to accommodate the training.”

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My Comment:
The Russians are all too aware of where this is heading, and are responding accordingly .... Moscow will review its military strategy in face of NATO plan for rapid-reaction force (Washington Post)

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