Russian President Putin's Opponents Are Remaining Silent

Tuesday 5 August 2014

The sanctions targeted government officials, mostly Putin's former colleagues from the security services, heads of key state companies and some of Putin's mouthpieces in the Duma and the Federation Council. Ana Paula Hirama / Flickr

No Palace Coup in Sight for Russia -- Ivan Nechepurenko, Moscow Times

When the U.S. government announced its first round of sanctions against President Vladimir Putin's friends over the Ukraine conflict in May, it made no bones about their aim: Increase the cost for them of Putin continuing his course and they will influence him to back off or, ultimately, throw him under the bus.

The sanctions quickly began to hit some where it hurts. Billionaire Gennady Timchenko, whom the U.S. Treasury Department has described as someone whose "activities in the energy sector have been closely linked to Putin," found that his wife was unable to pay for her back surgery in Switzerland in May when all his credit cards were suddenly blocked.

Timchenko, 61, has been friends with Putin for more than 20 years, and his labrador Romi is a daughter of Putin's favorite labrador Koni, he said in a rare and outspoken interview with ITAR-Tass published Monday.

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My Comment: The possibility of a Putin impeachment and/or coup is zero. His approval ratings are in the 80s, and in times of crisis the Russians are like the Americans and everyone else ... they circle the wagons .... and they have definitely circled the wagons right now. Later .... when this has all blown over .... dissent and opposition may escalate ... but for the moment .... no way.

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