Is The U.S. Abandoning Baghdad To The Islamic State?

Sunday 17 August 2014

An American fighter launching from the USS George HW Bush to strike Isis targets in Iraq. Photograph: Hamad I Mohammed/Reuters

Fears Grow In Baghdad That US Is Abandoning The City To Its Fate -- The Guardian

Resentment grows in capital over perceived American preference to fight for Kurds rather than ousted Maliki

Iraq's political class has watched with fear and envy in the last fortnight as American jets have slowed the Islamic State extremist group's advance towards the Kurdish stronghold of Irbil.

At the same time the group, formerly known as Isis, has been trying to encircle Baghdad – untroubled by air strikes. Its manoeuvres near the national capital in recent days have consolidated gains it has made in the last two months and made the very existence of Iraq in its current borders ever more precarious.

With a new central government only three weeks from being sworn in, Iraqi leaders are imploring the US to honour what they perceived to be an implicit deal to protect Baghdad once an inclusive leadership was installed. They say support for only one side will guarantee the end of Iraq, allowing the insurgents menacing the capital to whittle away what is left of state control and terrorise large numbers of people into fleeing.

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My Comment: I doubt that the U.S. wants Baghdad to fall to the Islamic State .... but it is also true that they are not rushing in to defend Baghdad from these Islamic militants.

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