If Iraq Falls The World Will Blame President Obama

Friday, 8 August 2014

The World Will Blame President Obama If Iraq Falls -- George E. Condon Jr., National Journal

The White House is under intense pressure to use American force to save the people trapped by terrorists on the mountaintop. And it understands why.

The world will not blame the Iraqi government if the children and women huddled atop Mount Sinjar in northern Iraq die of hunger and exposure. Nor will Pope Francis blame Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki if the Islamic extremists attacking the country slaughter the 40,000 Christians and other minorities who have fled to the mountaintop. The fact is that the world, from the pontiff in the Vatican to the coal miner in West Virginia, will blame President Obama.

That is why the president found himself under such intense pressure to act on Thursday, facing calls from around the world to marshal American might in a way to both rush humanitarian aid to the refugees in Iraq and punish the forces of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) who are trying to kill them.

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My Comment: There will be a lot of blame to pass around .... but when it comes to U.S. politics .... the critics of President Obama's Iraq policy are going to make sure that he will be blamed for this .... doubly so if what replaces Iraq is The Islamic State. As to who would I blame .... I blame everyone .... Maliki, the Saudis, the Iranians, everyone ..... but especially the entire Washington establishment.

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