Heavy Fighting Reported Between Kurdish Forces And Islamic State Fighters In Northern Iraq

Sunday 17 August 2014

Kurd Forces 'Advance' On Mosul Dam -- BBC

Kurdish sources say their forces "are advancing" in an offensive to retake Mosul dam from the Islamic State (IS) jihadist group.

A joint operation involving both Kurdish forces and US air strikes has been under way since 05:00 local time (03:00 GMT), the sources said.

The strategic dam, which supplies water and electricity to northern Iraq, was seized by the militants on 7 August.

IS has seized a swathe of territory in Iraq and Syria, displacing millions.

The reported US strikes followed nine conducted on Saturday against IS targets near the dam and the city of Irbil.

Altogether 14 vehicles manned by IS militants were hit, including armour left behind by the US forces when they left Iraq three years ago, but later seized by the militants.

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More News On Heavy Fighting Reported Between Kurdish Forces And Islamic State Fighters Near The Mosul Dam

Backed by US Air Strikes, Peshmerga Regain Most of Mosul Dam -- RUDAW

Iraqi official: Kurdish forces retake parts of Mosul Dam from Islamic extremists -- FOX News/AP

U.S. Airstrikes Aim at Islamic State Hold on Iraq Dam -- Wall Street Journal

Iraqi Kurds battle Islamic State fighters -- Al Jazeera

Fighting Continues Around Crucial Dam in Iraq -- VOA

Iraqi forces, aided by U.S. jets, begin ground offensive to retake dam from militants -- Washington Post

Iraq’s Largest Dam New Focus of Expanding U.S. Airstrikes -- Bloomberg Businessweek

Kurdish Forces Launch Attack On IS Near Mosul Dam -- Radio Free Europe

U.S. warplanes, Kurdish forces pound ISIS targets in bid to retake Iraqi dam -- CNN

Kurdish militants train hundreds of Yazidis to fight Islamic State -- Reuters

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